BFD is a modular shell script for parsing applicable logs and checking for authentication failures. There is not much complexity or detail to BFD yet and likewise it is very straight-forward in its installation, configuration and usage. The reason behind BFD is very simple; the fact there is little to no authentication and brute force auditing programs in the linux community that work in conjunction with a firewall or real-time facility to place bans.
Note: BFD default configuration is designed to work in conjunction with APF versions 0.9.3+
Download the current release of BFD, distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE:
All projects on are free for use and distribution in accordance with the gnu gpl; funding for the continued development and research into this and other projects, is solely dependent on public contributions and donations. If this is your first time using this software we ask that you evaluate it and consider a small donation; for those who frequent and are continued users of this and other projects we also ask that you make an occasional small donation to help ensure the future of our public projects.
Version History:
Note: BFD default configuration is designed to work in conjunction with APF versions 0.9.3+
Download the current release of BFD, distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE:
All projects on are free for use and distribution in accordance with the gnu gpl; funding for the continued development and research into this and other projects, is solely dependent on public contributions and donations. If this is your first time using this software we ask that you evaluate it and consider a small donation; for those who frequent and are continued users of this and other projects we also ask that you make an occasional small donation to help ensure the future of our public projects.
Version History: