Configuring Windows XP Router
Configuring port mapping when using Microsoft Windows XP's built-in firewall/router:
1. Click on the "Start" button, go to "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Switch to Classic View".
3. Double-click on "Network Connections":
4. Look for the local network device that you are using to connect to the internet, and right-click on it and select "Properties".
5. Click the "Advanced" tab. It looks like this:
6. Click the button "Settings". The "Advanced Settings" window appears, it looks like this:
7. On the "Services" tab, click the button "Add...". A "Service Settings" window appears, it looks like this:
8. In "Description of service", type the name of the program you are doing this for (for example, KDX Server, NetFone, etc).
9. In "Name or IP address", type the IP address of the computer running the program.
10. In "External Port" and "Internal Port", type the port number that the program is using (10700 for KDX Server or 10200 for NetFone unless you have changed it).
11. Click the "OK" button and you should see the new port mapping appear in the Services window ticked:
12. Click the "OK" button on the "Advanced Settings" window.
13. Click the "OK" button on the network "Properties" window and it's all done.
Finding Your Public Internet Address
You cannot tell someone on the internet to connect to you using an address that begins with 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x because this is the private LAN address of your computer. You need to tell them your public/real IP address instead, which can be obtained as follows.
1. On the computer acting as the router (sharing the internet connection), click the Start menu, then "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Network and Internet Connections" then "Network Connections".
3. A list of network adaptors is shown. Double-click on the network adaptor that represents your connection to the internet.
4. Click on the "Support" tab.
5. The address is where it says "IP Address:" on the Support tab.