- Laptop computer with wireless network card
Search location profiles for wireless networks by opening the network connection program on your laptop and enable the wireless radio by clicking the "Enable Wireless Radio" option. Step2
Scan unsecured networks by clicking "Find Wireless Networks" button in the network connection program. Connect to any wireless network in the list by clicking the "Connect" button in the network connection program. If you are able to connect, then the network is unsecured. Step3
Discover a secured network by clicking the "Connect" button in the network connection program. This time, a message will display indicating that a connection cannot be made due to the authentication method being used. This means that the network is secured. Step4
Compromise the secured network found in the previous step by using Wi-Fi discovery software such as KisMac for Mac OS, Kismet for Linux, or NetStumbler for Windows. Any one of these Wi-Fi discovery tools can crack the WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) key of the secured wireless network.